Monday, May 05, 2008

Springtime Beauty

Every time I visit Washington D.C. I always wish to come back during the springtime. I imagined walking along the tidal basin under the delicate blooms of the cherry trees admiring their beauty. This springtime my husband and I decided to go down and spend a weekend away from the stresses that we have been under and lose ourselves briefly. As the weekend approached the forecast became more gloomy and likely that we would encounter wet weather. We decided that even if it did rain, we were long over due for a weekend away and went anyway. The trip down was a bit wet, but nothing too bad, however it was when we pulled back the blinds in the hotel room that we were pleasantly surprised at how nice the day turned out. While a little cool for the time of year, and slightly overcast, the weather quickly turned around and became a glorious day.

Washington Monument

There are more photos on my flickr page; most of these are much better viewed large.

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