I knitted/crocheted and or finished 5 pairs of socks, one of which is from my own handspun, 1 pair of mittens, 5 toys, 2 washcloths, 1 blanket, 1 scarf, 1 hat, 1 shawl from my own handspun, and 1 Christmas tree ornament.
I am very proud that I was a bit more selfless with my knitting this year. The duck was for a coworker before I left for my full-time job, the elephants and washcloths were for my cousin's babies, the crocheted toys were for Scott and my brother and the shawl was for my mom. I think I was most proud that I finished the Saffron Cables blanket and my mom's shawl. I never thought that I would finish something so large; it is the most used knitted item in our home. My mom's scarf was the most beautiful thing that I created from the almost very beginning to a completed item.
I also improved on my spinning throughout the year.

The most important thing I learned this year with my spinning is to make sure that I spin all that is needed to finish a project at the same time. I did not spin enough "Walking on the Sun" to finish my shawl, the second attempt at this yarn is a bit thicker than the first sitting but that is fine with me.
There were also some items that were not finished:

I finished 3 single socks (one of which is a knee-high from my own handspun) which are still waiting for their mates, 2 sweaters, 1 which only needs half a sleeve and the zipper, 1 shrug and 4 shawls, 3 which are not pictured (Lily of the Valley, Peacock Feathers and Ene's Scarf), also not pictured 7 socks various stages of completion.
My 2009 plans are to spin one skein of yarn a month to decrease my fiber stash. Now I know that by doing so I will only be increasing my yarn stash, but let's ignore that for the moment. I also want to start finishing my lingering WIPS, especially the sweaters. I would also love to knit a pair of socks a month, but I know that is a lofty goal. I did not finish a single sock from the 2008 Rockin Sock Club, I would love to be able to do so, along with knitting down my sock stash. This will probably not happen, but I would love to try to at least keep up with the current club that will be shipping out soon.
Well there it is, my 2009 goals out in cyberland for all to see and for all to keep me honest. This might be the first year that I set actual goals that I can keep track of so December will be interesting.
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