I love the excitement of casting on for a new project, however that excitement fades quickly when you need to rip out 510 stitches of a very fine lace weight yarn and re-cast on the correct amount of stitches. Twice. Frustration starts setting in when you discover you have one extra stitch after completing the first row and you know that you counted correctly, three times, with markers marking off every fifty stitches. Rage starts appearing after you discover that the mistake was made within the first 100 stitches. That is about the time when you realize that you can just knit the last two stitches together and when you get the the mistake just pick up a stitch where it was lacking, after all no one will notice that you picked up one tiny stitch on the cast on edge. Plus I might have been at the point of losing my sanity if I had to rip out and re-knit one more time.

After two days and many many bad words I have the beginnings of
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