The alarm went off at 4:45am while it was still very dark and very cold outside but I was excited. Scott and I hit the road by 6:10 after stopping to pick up breakfast, money and gas and were in the parking lot by 8:45. We scored a spot very close to the entrance (I think it is the back gate) by getting there fifteen minutes earlier than we did last year. This allowed us to head back to the car to drop some bags off so we weren’t lugging them around all day. I was definitely not dressed for the weather this year. I knew that it would be cool but it did not register in my mind that it would be that cool throughout the entire day. Thankfully I told Scott to grab a jacket for himself, I on the other hand did not have as warm of a jacket as he did so I bought a long sleeved Sheep and Wool shirt to wear over the light ¾ sleeved shirt I was wearing. Pair with my scarf I was okay for the rest of the day, but man what a difference from last year’s weather! Next year I would like to actually finish a sweater to wear to Rhinebeck but knowing my luck it will be 70 degrees again.
My first stop of the day was Creatively Dyed yarns because I had seen a specific colorway when browsing her photos that I wanted to pick up. I ended up with some seawool roving in this beautiful green color.

The next stop was the Fold. I knew that since we were inside the festival before 9am that not everything would be sold out but we both knew that the line would be long. Scott was great and waited on line while I picked over the colorways and decided what to get. I didn’t go crazy knowing that what I really wanted was a sheep 2 shoe kit but the colors they had just didn’t strike my fancy. I did however pick up two skeins of lightweight yarn in Nyame (For the Rivendell socks) and Treehugger. I wanted to see the spirits in person and am glad I did because I think I am going to pass on these colors. I’m not too sure why but I don’t really care for them. I was expecting a bit more, maybe more of the color that they are ghosted from instead of being almost completely white. By the time I was finished picking out colors Scott almost next in line which worked out perfectly!

While in the Fold’s booth I ran into Joanne and her kids. I then ran into a slew of ladies from my Guild. While wandering around aimlessly, well not aimlessly I just didn’t have a plan of action at this moment, I ran into Stacey, Liza and forgive me but I forget her name. They told me that they were headed over to the Little Farm (?) had some great yarn for cheap so we all walked over there. I picked up a bag (10 skeins) of Galway Worsted in a Navy color for a sweater for Scott and some pretty blue merino to spin.

Scott and I were getting hungry by this point and decided to sit and grab a bite; while the Mexican food was pretty good I think that next year we will be brown bagging it since all the food was a bit pricey. We missed most of the Ravelry meetup due to the fact that I never really looked as to where it was going to be. I recognized Julia and gushed over her Apres Surf Hoodie (hers is the reason that I started mine) and she told me where the meet up was. There weren’t that many people there but I did get a chance to meet FreckleBrother and FreckleMom. I had a blast chatting with FreckleMom!
The rest of the day we spent walking through all the tents and visiting the sheep, goats, alpacas and bunnies. We also watched a sheep dog trial and some of the sheep auction. I picked up some more Merino Tencel sock yarn from Ellen’s ½ pint Farm.

Scott and I kept going back to the beautiful Sheep prints trying to decide which one to purchase. In the end we both decided to get an artist embellished glecee but we are still unsure which one choose. We are still trying to decided but we will be ordering one at a later time.
Some beautiful merino roving that I cannot wait to spin!

And finally some pictures from Rhinbeck:

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